The Secret The Secret of Better Health! Get rid of bothersome eye problems, manage your blood sugar, and have beautiful skin. Goodbye to stomach issues and jaundice. Don’t miss out on the incredible health benefits of Nirmali. Better Health! Get rid of bothersome eye problems, manage your blood sugar, and have beautiful skin. Goodbye to stomach issues and jaundice. Don’t miss out on the incredible health benefits of Nirmali Seeds, The seed of Nirmali is used in the treatment of various diseases in Ayurveda due to its therapeutic properties. According to Ayurveda, Nirmali reduces vitiated Kapha and Vata dosha. It has a sweet, astringent, bitter taste and cold potency. The main chemical constituents of the Nirmali plant include Mannogaactan, diabolin, acetyl diabolin, brucine, novocaine, stigmasterol, campesterol, sitosterol, and oleanolic acid. This seed has astringent, aphrodisiac, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, digestive, anti-diarrhoeal, and anti-diabetic properties. Here are a few incredible health benefits of Nirmali. One of the biggest health benefits of Nirmali is its ability to provide relief from eye diseases. The seeds of this plant are rubbed in a clean stone and the paste is applied as eyeshadow to treat various eye problems. in Ayurveda, nirmali is a strong anti-diabetic herb. Consuming the decoction of the seeds of Nirmali helps in reducing and controlling blood sugar levels.